RuSWY Train
Explore your own Russia!
Have one-of-a-kind lifetime experience: 6 cities, 9288 km long journey from Moscow to Vladivostok. We did it in 2017, going from Vladivostok from Moscow, and we are planning to repeat this trip once travelling becomes possible again.
RuSWY train project was held in 2014 and 2017. The concept of this travel program is to give participants a chance to explore Russian life and get acquainted with our country through different activities while crossing the country by train. In 2014 a pilot train trip came to life bringing participants to Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk. It was an amazing experience and a perfect way to learn more about Russia. In 2017 a group of 32 participants from 13 countries travelled from Vladivostok to Moscow visiting Irkutsk, Novosibirsk and Kazan on the way. After the main route some participants went on to explore Saint Petersburg. We enjoyed amazing nature, swam in the Baikal lake, met locals and spent a lot of time talking to each other and sharing our experience.
To familiarize the SWY alumni with the Russian culture, traditions and modern lifestyle, show different aspects of Russian life and contribute to sustainable society.
  • Familiarize participants with Russian way of life, historic and cultural traditions and values;
  • Promote understanding, networking and cooperation among the youth from SWY participating countries;
  • Develop program participants' leadership skills;
  • Implement volunteer projects in the cities of visit.
All participants will take part in an educational and cultural program «Explore your own Russia!» in order to broaden their horizons, to improve their understanding of Russian culture and language and to create youth projects among participants. All participants will be split into four teams and assigned a topic. The teams will work on their topics during the trip running a blog with photos, videos, texts and expressing their ideas in any other way possible. The outcome of the whole trip will be four fully completed projects presented in Vladivostok.
Participants arrive in Moscow on their own prior to the program
start date. The participants are responsible for their departure
from Vladivostok to respective countries.
Feedback from participants of RUSWY train 2017
RUSWY Train Feedback from Amer Maraqa, Jordan
Somaya Ali, Bahrain, RUSWY Train feedback, Profsoyuznaya Street, 90, Moscow, Russia 117485, INN 7728467883, PSRN 1197700005282, Public Offer